Clone Wars Timeline

(Modified from the official timeline published in "GM's Screen Revised Edition" and "A Guide To The Star Wars Universe". Changes are italicized.)

Star Wars: A New Hope will occur in 25428 on the Republic/Imperial Calender

Founding of The Galactic Republic.

Around this time, Jedi Knights appear.

Golden Age of the Sith.

The Great Sith War.

The Corellian Wars start.

The Corellian Wars end.

The Tion Hegemony War start.

The Tion Hegemony War end.

The Mandalore War start.

The Corellian Wars

The Corellian Wars was a Civil War between Corellians who wanted to stay under the rule of Coruscant, and those Corellians that wanted to be independent. The Republic chose to remain outside of the dispute, as they wanted the people to decide, although when the casualty numbers started coming through, a Republic fleet was assigned to the Corellian System to try and quell the fighting. This just drove the combat into the "underground", with sabotague strikes and assassination attempts.

Eventually, however, the Corellian's managed to force The Republic to withdraw from Corellian Space by citing the fact that their laws allowed systems to make their own choices while under their law. The Republic did not wish to be seen abusing their authority, and withdrew from the system. That's when the real fighting began!

Once The Republic had left the system, all-out war was declared between the various planets within the Corellian System, and shipyard production increased fifty-fold.

The conflicts eventually came to an end when the Republic-loyal leader was assassinated by unknown parties. The fighting eventually stopped, and the leaders gathered to talk in rather strained negotiations. It was eventually settled that the entire Corellian System would withdraw from direct Republic rule (and form it's own Government), but would still be under the juridstiction of Coruscant.

This moderate solution was gratefully accepted by The Republic, who had suffered heavly from the lack of Corellian ships being produced for its own fleet. They sent back their various Ambassadors, and rebuilt their Embassy on Corellia, and all was "forgotten" as far as The Republic was concerened. Unfortunately, Corellians have very long memories, and those that fled to various colonies (Nar Shaddaa being one) had very bitter feelings towards The Republic!

The Tion Hegemony War

Classified: Top Secret

This was perhaps the most bloodiest war in the history of the Republic! The Tion Hegemony took an entire diplomatic fleet hostage for the release of various captured "war criminals" (or "scapegoats" as the Tion Hegemony called them). After the negotiated release of some of the "war criminals", the Tion Hegemony killed the entire diplomatic fleet and destroyed any Republic vessel entering the area.

The Republic organised a strike force comprised of some of the best special forces personnel and sent them in undercover to try and destroy the leadership of the Hegemony.

The Republic attempted time and again to use their ships in a strike against the Tion Hegemony, but without success. No word from their operatives had reached them since they had infiltrated into the society, but hopes were high. Skirmishes continued to occur, with the Republic hoping that this would draw attention away from any operations that their operatives were conducting.

Eventually, a Tion Hegemony ship was captured intact, and the crew were captured. Among the crew was one of the operatives that the Republic had sent in years earlier. It had turned out that most of the operatives had been captured and brainwashed to serve the Hegemony in the war against the Republic. This operative was one such victim, and attempted to kill his old commanding officer when he was brought in to try to debreif him!

Realising that subterfuge was unsuccessful, the Republic gathered a massive invasion force and set about freeing systems from the control of the Hegemony leaders, who had managed to influence most of the populace to the atrocities that the Hegemony leaders had performed were performed by the Republic forces instead. With this against them, the Republic forces still managed to arrive at the Hegemony leaders command ship and in a massive space battle, managed to capture the ship intact. When the commandoes boarded the ship, they found the leaders had all been killed, and that a shuttle had been launched during the battle.

In the aftermath to the battle, it was discovered that the atrocities performed against the Tion Hegemony populace had been performed by the undercover operatives, under the command of the Hegemony leaders. A bounty was placed on each operative that was involved in the undercover operation, ranging from 2,000 credits to 50,000 credits for the most sinister of the operatives!

Erioll Pan: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c
xx: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c
xx: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c xx: 2,000 c
xx: 5,000 c xx: 5,000 c xx: 10,000 c
Sabador Tibern: 10,000 c xx: 15,000 c xx: 15,000 c
xx: 20,000 c xx: 25,000 c Dremmor Tibern: 50,000 c

The Mandalore War

The first contact that the Republic had with the Mandalore Empire was when they attacked and obliterated a research colony in the Kaulum Sector (Outer Rim). A token Republic fleet of 2 Corellian Corvettes and a Nebulon-B Frigate, the Justifier, were totally destroyed, as were 2 research bases and a mining facility. The Justifier managed to broadcast an SOS that reported that 6 unknown starships had entered the system and were already engaging the Corvette Red Dog in battle.

The Mandalore Empire is an unknown opponent at this time. All attempts at information retrival from ventures inside their territory, or from captured warriors have yielded little. They follow a clan structure, with a central figure controlling them all. We currently have no idea about the size of their fleet, the reason for their attacks, or where they originate from, but they appear to be humans, or at least their warriors do.

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