Noteable Personalities


Derrom Arrozz

Derrom is a very bitter Bounty Hunter/Vigilantee. His family and friends were killed right at the start of the Mandalore War, and he has held a grudge against the Republic for their failure to save them. He is currently operating out of Danaan, taking private contracts to hunt down tax dodgers, criminals, and anyone else who is wanted by the local authorities. He doesn't take contracts from the Republic, though, but his targets sometimes coincide with targets that the Republic would like to see neutralised, so he is currently being watched, but left alone, for now.


Sabador Tibern

Sabador is a criminal from the Tion Hegemony War. Accused and found guilty of crimes such as; kidnapping, theft, murder, bribery, aggrivated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, theft of Republic and private property, destruction of Republic and private property, and manslaughter. Originally supposed to be executed for the various crimes, legal problems forced him into the Merill Penal Asteroid, where he was put to work with other convicts to mine base elements for the production of Rawmat. Unfortunately, he didn't stay there long.

After a well orcastrated rescue from unknown allies, Sabador disappeared into the Danaan Sector underworld. There have been several sightings of him, but Republic forces haven't managed to arrive in time to arrest him. He is currently being linked to the disappearance of several Republic freighters in and around the Aanorra system.

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