Republic Personalities

Admiral Gray Lerrik

Admiral Gray Lerrik

Admiral Lerrik was always a stickler for detail, even when he was a regular technician. His family always thought that he was going to go a long way in the Republic Navy, but even they didn't think that he would make Admiral at the "young" age of 45. Admiral Lerrik is one of the first Republic officers to be handed command of the new Victory-class Star Destroyers that have just come out of production.

Colonel Jarren Lerrik

Colonel Jarren Lerrik

Colonel Lerrik has always grown up in the shadow of his older brother, Admiral Gray Lerrik. Jarren is very friendly for a commanding officer, believing that personel perform better when they can openly discuss orders with the senior officer. He believes that this approach helps the overall effectiveness of a mission, as the personel may be able to suggest an option that he had not considered, and this makes for a more rounded approach to tasks. He also believes in setting an example for his troops, and so is still listed in the active flight roster.

General Mirium Graves (ret.)

General Graves was the only female aboard the Dreadnaught Dargon during the Tion Hegemony War. She is currently retired and living on the planet Danaan in the Danaan Sector.


He is currently living in a small apartment on the planet Aanorra in the Danaan Sector.

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