The Mandalore Empire

The Mandalore Empire spans almost as many planets as the Republic does. Starting off as a human colony that was lost when their colony ship's Hyperdrive (a brand new, and faulty, technology back then) malfunctioned and the ship jumped to the edge of the galaxy. When the colonists finally arrived at a habitable world, they named it Mandalore and proceeded to colonise it, as they had been taught.

The local wildlife wasn't too pleased about this new race that had come from the skies, and various animals ravaged the colony for years. Eventually, one Mandalore took up the primitave weapons that he had built and went out into the wilderness. For 18 days, no one heard from this man, and then he emerged from the forests with the head of the Queen that was controlling the wildlife. The Mandalore people realised that the animals could now be taken care of, and proceeded to take up arms and follow the teachings of this man. This man was known as Merrad Damorre.

After centuries spent subjigating the local wildlife, the Mandalore people realised that they were meant for more than just slaying animals and raising crops. They realised that the could become rulers of more than just their own planet. The Emperor decreed that research should begin to take them back into space, and using the technology that still remained from the colony ship, they achieved space flight.

The ease with which the first few star systems fell to their rule heightened their sense for conquest, and they set their sights higher still. They wanted to return back to their original home and become rulers of the people that had allowed their colony ship to malfunction in the first place. It wasn't too long until the Mandalore's encountered their first Republic ship. Instead of jumping straight into combat, they watched from a distance to size up the potential threat that the Republic might pose to them. Upon realising that the Republic was already embroiled in a war against an unknown (to the Mandalore) aggressor, they waited for that conflict to end before announcing their presence.

When the Corellian War ended, Republic ships started reporting brief glimpses of unknown ships. These unknown ships were the Mandalore Fleets attempting to move into strategic positions and gain intelligence on the Republic. Dy'eDrin (the Warrior Eminence of the Mandalore Empire, essentially its Emperor), order the first strikes against the Republic outposts in the Kaulum Sector. The underpowered and surprised Republic vessels stood no chance against the Mandalore ships, but they did manage to send an SOS to the nearest sectors, warning about the invasion force, but help arrived too late. All that the reinforcements found were wreckage of Republic ships, and gutted bases, both civilian and military.

The Republic attempted sending an ambassador to Mandalore space to try and talk to the leaders of the Empire, but all attempts by the Republic to talk to the Dy'eDrin were halted by the Mandalore fleets attempting to stop any ships from invading the Mandalore Empire's growing borders. Eventually, the Republic decided to formally anounce war against the Mandalore Empire. A decision that the Mandalore people had come to a long time ago.

Mandalore Ranks

Warrior Eminence

This position is currently held by Dy'eDrin, a brilliant stratergist and a cunning warrior. He has had extensive training by a shadowy figure on using the Force, making him even more of a threat. Several Khan's have tried for his position by challenging him to a duel, but all have failed. He does not kill these out of hand, though. He sees wisdom in letting them live, forcing them to try and prove that they are of use to him, and a fanatical warrior can be more dangerous than an entire legion of soldiers. The only ways to become Warrior Eminence is to either be named for succession and then taking the position after the current Warrior Eminence's death, or to defeat him/her in single, honourable combat, and take his/her position.


These are the Warrior Eminence's ultimate troops. They have trained all their lives for combat, and are extremely versatile fighters. They have knowledge on every sort of combat, through mounted melee to starfighter dogfighting to starship command. All of the Khan must have their heads ritually shaved and tattooed to show their prowess to their subjects and to their opponents.


These are the Warrior Eminence's shadow troops. Their task is to blend into the opposition and try to attack it from within, or at least hinder it so that Mandalore troops and ships will find it easier to accomplish their tasks. These warriors are trained in stealth and quick-kill tactics, such as poison, and they also have a variety of other skills which are appropriate to their tasks.


These are the Warrior Eminence's personal advisors. They gather information on an enemy and anything else that may be of use to the Mandalore Empire, and pass that information along to either the Warrior Eminence himself, or to the Il-Khans if so instructed. They can also be ordered by the Khan or the Il-Khan to perform specific tasks, as long as they do not already involved in a mission for the Warrior Eminence.

Clan Leader

These are the warriors who lead the various clans (see below for information on the clans). They are usually located on the command ship of their fleet, which is usually near any combat that is taking place, but far enough away so that they can escape if the situation turns against them.

Clan Noble

These are the warriors who lead each vessel, station, or outpost. There is one Clan Noble on every starship, starbase, and planetary base that the Mandalore Empire controls. They recieve the orders for that vessel, station, or base, and then implement them as they see best. This can sometimes result in a conflict of opinions between the Noble and his superiors, but it also results in a more imaginative approach to the task they have been issued with.

Clan Warrior

These are the warriors who are actually embroiled in all the combat that needs to be done. They are the footsoldiers and the fighter pilots of the Mandalore Empire.

Clan Worker

These are the mechanics and technicians of the Clan. They maintain the ships, design new ships, and generally keep their vessel, station, or base in full operational status.

Clan Initiate

These were Clan Servants who have been accepted into the aspect of becoming a warrior. They recieve training, and occasionally see actual combat (if their mentor believes they are talented enough). When they have managed five kills, they are considered Clan Warriors (these five kills can either be in actual combat, or in a ritualised hunt, depending on the circumstances).

Clan Servant

These are the menial labourers of the Clan. They do everything from cleaning the floor to washing the uniforms. Most have asperations of becoming something more, but most don't have the necessary skills needed to move up in the ranks, although quite a few manage to become Clan Workers than manage to become Clan Initiates and Warriors.

Clan Slave

This is the lowest rank that the Mandalore even bother to recognise. Whenever the Mandalore conquer a new planet, if the inhabitants are at all useful, then they take them on as slaves to assist their owner in whatever duties are required. They have some rights, such as their owner must provide them with food and an adequete living area, but they are allowed to punish their slaves to whatever level, for any failings (this means that a slave could be killed for speaking when they shouldn't have! Most owners aren't this strict though).

Mandalore Clans

The five Mandalore Clans are known after Merrad Damorre's five children, sons as well as daughters. The five Clans are;

Clan Allipssaa

Clan Eindra

Clan Melanthina

Clan Shindara

Clan Vycynth

Perhaps the most feared of all the clans.

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