Shadowrun House Rules
- The Force Points are used as normal to buy spells. They are also the magician's "spell points" for casting spells. Spells are given a Spell Point cost for casting, and whenever a spell is cast, this number is deducted (temporarily) from your spell points. You regain spell points at a rate of one every half an hour of rest.
- The Drain Code is used to calculate the spells' casting cost (in spell points) from this formula; (If the result is zero or less, then the Spell Point cost is 0.5)
[(F/2)+n] x
Spell point cost = F+n+x
where x is the Drain Level (Light = 1, Moderate = 3, Serious = 6, Deadly = 10)
e.g.: a Stun Missile Force 3 has a Drain of [(F/2)-1] M, this gives it a spell point cost of 5.
A Hellblast Force 5 has a Drain of [(F/2)+6] D, this gives it a spell point cost of a whopping 21!
- Running out of spell points: The mage can still cast spells, but must start taking boxes of stun damage equal to the spell point cost of the spell (soakable using Willpower!).
- All Dice Pools no longer exist. I found that they flipped encounters too much in favour of the PC's (their imagination and skills should be more important!!)
- I recommend using this in combination with the "Building Points" designing rules shown in the Shadowrun Companion (#7905), with a pool of 100 points, and "Awakened" races costing 30 points (e.g. Shape-shifter, etc.).