When you are designing your own races, make sure to keep them balanced! To do this, when assigning Classes to the Stats, give each class a number (A= -3, B= -2, C= -1, D= 0, E= 1, F= 2, G= 3) and make sure that when they are added together, that they come out at zero! This helps maintain play balance, and reduces the chance of your players all wanting to play the same race!
- Description
- Size: Medium (5' to 6')
- Structure: Biped
- Form: Mammalian; primate; smooth-skinned
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; omnivorous
- Normal Lifespan: 110 years
- Original Home Planet: Earth
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate
- Native World Type: Temperate
- Native Atmosphere: Moderate density oxygen / nitrogen
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Blue to green to brown to black
- Hair colours: White to blond to red to brown to black
- Skin tones: Pinkish-white to golden tan to reddish tan to brown to ebony
- Unusual Abilities
- Humans possess some Psi Potential, but relaitvely few learn Psionic Skills.
- Notes
- Varient Humans can vary up to 4 of their Classes by one either way, as long as the total (as mentioned above) equals zero.
In all these years, humans haven't really changed much. We still look the same, have various fashions going at any one time, and still manage to get involved in wars amongst ourselves!! There are still the diverse cultures and appearances, although quite a few of these have started to blend towards each other (For example, most of the Asian languages have merged into the "Mandanese" language, and the European languages have disappeared so that English and German could take their places [The French still speak in French, though]).
- Intelligence: D
- Cool: D
- Reflexes: D
- Attractiveness: D
- Empathy: D
- Technical: D
- Luck: D
- Move: D
- Body: D
- Psychic: D
- Description
- Size: Large (7' to 8')
- Structure: Six-limbed (four locomotive, two manipulative)
- Form: Mammalian; equine ("horse" family); smooth-skinned/furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; omnivorous
- Normal Lifespan: 150 years
- Original Home Planet: Tinderaal
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate (lower end of)
- Native World Type: Temperate
- Native Atmosphere: Moderate density oxygen / nitrogen
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Blue to green to brown to black
- Hair colours: White to blond to red to brown to black
- Skin tones: Pinkish white to golden tan to reddish tan to brown to ebony
- Fur colours: White (uncommon) to gray to brown to black
- Unusual Abilities
Tindals appear as humanoid centaurs, much like those from Greek Mythology. This was the first race to contact Humans when they were just starting to emerge from their Solar System. Tindals are the race behind various technologies, including Organ Cloning and Gravitic Generators.
- Intelligence: F
- Cool: C
- Reflexes: D
- Attractiveness: D
- Empathy: D
- Technical: E
- Luck: B
- Move: G
- Body: C
- Psychic: B
- Description
- Size: Medium (6')
- Structure: Biped
- Form: Mammalian; mustelidae ("skunk" family); furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; carniverous
- Normal Lifespan: 85 years
- Original Home Planet: Imarii
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate
- Native World Type: Jungle / Hot desert
- Native Atmosphere: Thick density oxygen / nitrogen / carbon dioxide
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Gray to blue to green to orange
- Hair colours: White (rare) to gray to brown to black
- Fur colours: Brown to black
- Unusual Abilities
- Damage moved one level less on the chart for dangerous atmospheres
Mephits appear as Humanoid "skunks". Mephits have a wide range of appearances, almost as wide as Humans
- Intelligence: D
- Cool: D
- Reflexes: F
- Attractiveness: F
- Empathy: D
- Technical: C
- Luck: B
- Move: D
- Body: D
- Psychic: C
- Description
- Size: Large (6' to 7')
- Structure: Six-limbed (four locomotive, two manipulative)
- Form: Mammalian; feline; furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; carnivorous
- Normal Lifespan: 90 years
- Original Home Planet: Imarii
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate
- Native World Type: Jungle / Hot desert
- Native Atmosphere: Thick density oxygen / nitrogen / carbon dioxide
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Gray to orange
- Hair colours: Brown
- Fur colours: Orange to Brown
- Unusual Abilities
- Damage moved one level less on the chart for dangerous atmospheres
Felinzi appear as Feline Centauroids. There are actually two cultures of Felinzi; the first are the "civilised" Felinzi that you could meet anywhere, and then there are the "wild" Felinzi that think nothing of killing a small child for wandering near to their territory! Needless to say, only the "civilised" Felinzi are allowed as Player Characters.
The Felinzi race comes from the same planet as the Mephit race, Imarii.
- Intelligence: C
- Cool: F
- Reflexes: F
- Attractiveness: C
- Empathy: C
- Technical: B
- Luck: C
- Move: F
- Body: E
- Psychic: C
- Description
- Size: Medium (5')
- Structure: Biped
- Form: Mammalian; xx ("fox" family); furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; carniverous
- Normal Lifespan: 72 years
- Original Home Planet: Tinderaal
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate (lower end of)
- Native World Type: Temperate
- Native Atmosphere: Moderate density oxygen / nitrogen
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Red to brown to black
- Hair colours: Orange to red to brown
- Fur colours: Red to brown
- Unusual Abilities
This race composes most of the actual creaters of Tindal technology. The Tindals draw up the equations, technical schematics and aquire the materials, but it is the Deraals that actually produce the items.
- Intelligence: E
- Cool: B
- Reflexes: D
- Attractiveness: D
- Empathy: D
- Technical: G
- Luck: F
- Move: D
- Body: C
- Psychic: A
- Description
- Size: Medium (5' to 6')
- Structure: Biped
- Form: Mammalian; equine ("horse" family); furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; herbivore
- Normal Lifespan: 70 years
- Original Home Planet: xx
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Moderate (higher end of)
- Native World Type: Steppe
- Native Atmosphere: Moderate density oxygen / nitrogen
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Brown to black
- Hair colours: White to brown to black
- Fur colours: White to brown to black
- Unusual Abilities
- "HORSES" only need to consume half the amount of water that the other races need.
- Intelligence: D
- Cool: F
- Reflexes: E
- Attractiveness: D
- Empathy: C
- Technical: C
- Luck: C
- Move: D
- Body: F
- Psychic: B
- Description
- Size: Medium (6')
- Structure: Biped
- Form: Mammalian; xx ("otter" family); furred
- Physiology: Warm-blooded; carniverous
- Normal Lifespan: 80 years
- Original Home Planet: xx
- Environment
- Native Gravity: Light
- Native World Type: Waterworld
- Native Atmosphere: Moderate density oxygen / nitrogen
- Physical Features
- Eye colours: Brown
- Fur colours: Brown (with white markings)
- Unusual Abilities
- All "OTTERS" who belong to the same blood-family have an Empathic link to each other when in close contact (i.e. in the same room)
- Intelligence: D
- Cool: C
- Reflexes: D
- Attractiveness: E
- Empathy: F
- Technical: C
- Luck: C
- Move: C
- Body: C
- Psychic: F