Gender: Female | Height: 5' 9" |
Hair: Black | Eyes: Emerald Green |
Ahh... the love of my life. Since I cannot really be objective about her because of my feelings, I have borrowed BabyDragon's description about her...
Half WereWolf, Half Vampire, is 5'9, 145 lbs. She has waist length hair, straight and black as night. She dresses in a black seude leather top (which covers just enough of her chest to be concidered decent), black suede leather pants that lace up the front (like they wear at Renn faires) and a small medicine bag that she keeps cherished items (such as a lock of hair that belongs to Rick, Brujah Elder). Her boots are wolf skin, made out of her fathers hide. Whom she killed at the age of 20 after years of satanic ritual abuse by her parents friends and sexual abuse by her father
Facial features: Emerald green eyes that glow red when angered. She has a small nose ring on the right nostral and a ring in the left eyebrow.
Anything else: She carries a kitana sword called a Wolfblade, that was given to her by Poe and rumored to forged by Caine himself. She wears a silver ring that DRN had given her to control the beast inside, it is worn on the left hand and a a pewter thumb claw ring that is worn on the right thumb, was also given to her by DRN, before they split up.