The void between the stars, eternal unending and totally silent, Broken only by the shape of a great petalled ship that floats, unmoving in darkness. Disturbing shapes flit and move between structures on the ships dark surface, shapes that bring to mind great insects but constructed out of shadows.
Lambda Stared into the eternal night of space from the surface of the huge vessel and contemplated not the shining, glittering beacons of the stars but the Void between them, Its antennae twitched as it sensed the approach on one of its subordinates. He remained staring into the coldness of infinity as the mass of carapace and claws of a Delta crawled up to his back. He waited, for ten maybe fifteen minutes before acknowledging the lesser gatherers existance. His telepathy invaded the subordinates mind " Speak, "
" My lord, The Ultra has determined the target, he has located a weapons store from the first war, We will be ready to set course in three days..", The Delta, was a powerful squat shape compared to the delicate almost waif like lambda. Lambda kept his back to his assistant, he flicked one of his scythe upper arms in the gatherer equivalent of a call for silence,
" Have you awakened the Great ones ? "
" No my lord, I thought it would be better to let them sleep. They are not needed as yet, and I thought....." He tailed off into mental silence as the Lambda turned to face him.
Lambda's thoughts snapped with anger, his mind cut into Delta's like a razor blade into a childs flesh." You were not created to think. Awaken them and do it now. And inform the Ultra that I await his predictions."
The Delta lowered his antennae and backed away slowly, He watched nervously as the angry Lambda returned to his star watching, and then shivered within himself. He turned and stepped through the Soul forged wall of the vessel. Others ignored him as he stepped from chamber to chamber, directly through the walls. He passed two gamma's both immobile holding their Four scythe limbs in attention and Their upper bodies held upright, they had been there for centuries, undying eternal sentinels to the great ones chamber. With no recognition of them he stepped through the only doorway on the ship and awaited his destiny.
The Delta strode onto the bridge that crossed the chamber and waited for the creatures in the pit below to stir. First one and then two great heads each almost thirty foot long emerged from the pit, Both heads were draconic, with scales dull and black as ash and eyes that seemed like the void outside this great vessel.
The voice of the first was a whisper, delicate as a zephyr, but to the Delta more terrifying than Sunlight itself. " How long has it been ??",
The other dragon snorted at its mates question, With lightning reflexes it whipped its head forward and closed its jaws upon Delta, He screamed once and then was silent. The Shadow dragon Nodded to itself as it absorbed what Delta knew, and finally smiled to the other, " We have some time my mate, Mystara is many hours away"
The first dragon nodded He summoned the darkness around them and the pair enjoyed themselves. Far away the Ultra calculated and The Lambda schemed.