
Gender: Male Height: 6' 2"
Hair: Brown Eyes: Light Brown

Description: Kalen wears a matte black armoured carapace, backed with black leather with twin vertical slits to allow free movement of his large leathery wings. He wears a pair of trousers made from dark coarse material, while on his feet are a pair of hard black leather boots. His hair is short and messy, a deep brown in colour. His facial features are sharp and contoured, giving him a sinister appearance. His eyes glow with an unholy crimson light. A small serrated sword hangs from a scabbard at his side, attached to a simple belt.

Background: Kalen is a Tiefling, a Human being crossed with a creature of the Planes. Kalens lineage is that of a Fiend from Gehenna, which grants him his wings, his glowing eyes(infravision), fire resistance; Flame summoning and control.