Goodwill Twice-Named

Gender: Male Height: 8' 9"
Hair: Red Eyes: Green

Goodwill was originally Arzak the Undefeated. Arzak was a powerful sky raider, but was as wicked as he was strong. He struck a deal with several other adepts that they would split a large treasure that had been found; to guarantee that no-one would try and take it for themselves, the adepts made a blood oath. Arzak, never one to keep his word, realized that he would be freed from the oath if he were renamed. Of course, this would also eliminate all of his magic, but he figured that with the wealth he had stolen it would be a simple matter to get it back again.

So, he set up a spell that would protect the holder of Death-Biter (his axe) for a hundred years and a day, so that his former allies would not be able to seek revenge while he rebuilt his magic. Arzak then sought out a low ranking windling mage to perform the renaming ceremony; the mage swore by the name of Mynbruje that he would not attempt to harm Arzak during the ceremony. And he didn't... what he did do, though, was change the new name Arzak had requested from "Victorious" to "Goodwill"...

Arzak would have killed the windling for such insolence, but Goodwill (being a different person, though sharing Arzak's body and soul) didn't have the heart. He followed through on Arzak's obligations in the blood oath, and donated his own share to charity. For many years Goodwill thought he was cursed, to be a troll sky-raider with manners and compassion... Lately, though, he's settled into the role, and now realizes that his life is pretty good.

Goodwill is tall and skinny for a troll; his fangs and horns are almost perfectly symmetrical. He has long red hair (usually tied back in a pony tail) and a beard, which is usually braided. He has lost a lot of weight (and muscle) since the renaming ceremony, and the color of his eyes and hair have changed.

He wears loose fitting clothes in a variety of bright colors; if he lived in the 20th century and were a girl, he'd do a lot of shopping at "Cotton Ginny". He is 32 years old, which in human years would be about 40-45. He is usually grinning mischeviously.

Three items are always carried by Goodwill; these are thread items, magical items which are actually a part of his true nature. I really like this part of the ED game, so try to put as much thought into my character's equipment as possible. The first item is the Axe of Arzak, the weapon used by Goodwill's former self. The axe is a big, double-headed job that if you want to get technical is actually a pole arm. It isn't particularly intricate or pretty; it just looks big and nasty. This is part of its magic; its purpose is to remind Goodwill that he once was Arzak, who was a pretty big, nasty, and not very pretty guy...

The second item is Misack. This is the blue fish-scale satchel that Goodwill carries; it is filled with magical toys built by the T'skrang. Everything that has a name in Earthdawn has magic; this item was decided to be magical by the other players in my group since GW kept referring to "Me Sack". Goodwill can gague the nature of a person by their reaction to being offered a novelty.

The third item is Goodwill's lute. Um, this one doesn't have any good story attached to it. It gives GW a bonus when singing songs about the sky. The name of the lute is "Fair Wind".