Gender: Male | Height: 18' / 6' 2" |
Hair: Platinum / Light Brown | Eyes: Icy Blue / Brown |
Description: 6 tonned, 22 year old winged platinum Dragon. Two horns that point backwardsfrom the back of the head large serpent like built body, spade shaped tail. Constantly projects an aura of goodness, and irrdiates a holy white light.
Background: Once upon a time, long long ago, when the fires of the worlds birth had still not cooled, when others creatures that would be gods later, were still dealing with mortal toils, a pair of Dragons was born. Like the Yin and the Yang, they were born of the same egg. However, one clearly defined all that was good, and the other all that was evil. Neither was sure where the egg had come from, or what they were supposed to do. But, by nature, the evil one started arguing with the other, pretty much as they hatched. One was a small platinum dragon. The other, was a winged 5 headed Hydra, each head a different color. They traveled around, bickering about the philosophy of good and evil. One day, the pair encountered a tortoise. He seemed much older than the pair, so they stopped to talk with him, to converse their sides of good and evil. The tortoise, decided that these two were special. He though long and hard, and decided that the two could not remain together.
The Torotise sent the Evil Hydra Dragon-girl, far into the past. She would learn life experience, from the Dark ages of time, and when she was old enough, would rise to goddess-hood. The platinum dragon, he decided would do better to learn about life in the future, in a place he had seen in a dream.
So the Baby Dragon, was sent far into the future, to a place called the Keep. A Nexus for all creatures, it would be the perfect place for him to grow up and experience all he would need, to be a fine and noble god. When he was done growing up, he would return to the time he and the Evil one had seperated, and they would become gods together.
Whilst in the Keep, he heard legends about himself, and quickly determined who he was, and that he had to live up to these legends. So, he sits in the keep, learning tolerance, patience, and virtue, day in and day out.