Gender: Male | Height: 6' |
Hair: White | Eyes: Dark Blue |
Description: Askani is a 6' tall Ryujin with a 14' wingspan of black feathers. He is tall and lean with a mess of white hair on top of his head and a teardrop tatooed onto his left cheek bringing out his blue eyes. He is wearing a large black cloak that has a large collar and that covers the majority of his body, and he wears his wings like a cape.
History: When Atlantis was in its peak of power the Atlaneans were experimenting with fate and emotions and the possibilities of controlling such things, they wanted to make a better tomorrow for everyone by reworking their fates, something went wrong. In the days that followed, the continent sank, violently. The Atlaneans used geneticly developed humans as servents, they were called Ryujin and had wings like angels to make some tasks easier. They had developed one specificly to test a few theories. He was almost complete when the desaster struck. They hurriedly did the work necissary to finish him and make him capable of containing their souls, for they feared death and what would happen with them after their failure. Askani was created out of pure emotional energy made solid. Only the Atlaneans who were still alive and in the capitol city Juthanis were able to commit to the project, but that was still several thousand souls strong. Soon after this the god Death's minions took Askani to Death's waiting room, Death who thought he had a room full of several thousand souls waiting to be directed to their hereafters was amazed to see only one person sitting there (by the way this history was developed before I met Necrobrain so this is not in conjunction with him). While Askani sat there waiting and Death poured over the eternal manuscrips looking for an answer as to how to handle this, a sword in Death's Armoury named Cancer took pity on the being and came to him. Askani and Cancer talked for weeks on end, Askani listened to Cancer's stories of past adventures and Cancer was interested in hearing about how it felt to have several thousand souls. In the end Cancer vowed to help Askani if ever he needed the assistance. Death for lack of a better solution let Askani back into the realms of the mortals. Since then Askani has been roaming the planes seeing for the souls that inhabit him, as much of creation as they can possibly see, from the technological planes to the ones where humanity has yet to surface, from realms where magic is powerful, to ones where it is nonexistant. Finally he Teleports into the keep and decides to rest there for a while.
Powers -
All of his powers cause him to glow a deep purple when in use, when he is feeling unusally strong negative emotions or overusing his powers he begins to glow ultraviolet. There is almost always some faint glow to his body.
Gaia is also a creation of emotional energies and can only be seen by someone who feels emotions, and only if one is standing directly on it.It is a beautiful garden of eden setting full of trees and benign wildlife, it is very serene and was meant to be the refuge of atlanteans after they set their fate redirecters into activity and established a better life for all who still resided on earth, but that very task is what caused their fall, and Gaia was left uninhabited by humanity save for the single person left from the disaster, since then Gaia has been Askani's sole stable residence and refuge, and he has spent many centuries enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.