Hardsuit Construction

Taken from Bubblegum Crisis EX (AM 08021)

This is a modular construction system which gives players and Referees a fast, easy method of building Stingray-technology Hardsuits. This system is based on our own (RTG's) anime mecha construction system, the Mekton Technical System (MTS for short). MTS fills most of the pages of Mekton Zeta Plus, the technical manual for our generic anime mecha roleplaying game Mekton Zeta.

Although the number-crunchers out there (you know who you are) will find that this system does not give exactly the same totals as those generated by MTS, the numbers come very close to those of both MTS and the BGC RPG. By sacrificing a little bit of technical detail, this system accomplishes the same basic task more easily, and more accurately reflects the "super-heroic" style of Bubblegum Crisis.

While this system can be used to reconstruct the mecha seen in the Bubblegum Crisis OVA series, it is primarily meant to be used to build your own brand-new, original Hardsuits. What this system does NOT do is invalidate the use of MTS - if you want to, you can still make use of the material in Z+ to create new, never-before seen technological gimmickry in the best Bubblegum Crisis tradition.

When using this system, you have the choice of designing your Hardsuit from the ground up, or using die rolls to randomly determine the suit's characteristics.

STEP 1: Generation

First decide whether your Hardsuit will be First Generation, like those in BGC 1-4, Second Generation, like those in BGC 8, or Third Generation, like those in Bubblegum Crash!. All Hardsuits cover the entire body and include a helmet; all costs are in Option Points.

To randomly determine the Generation of your Hardsuit, roll 1D6:
1-3: First Generation Hardsuit (44 OP)
First Generation Hardsuits have 55 SDP, a STRength of 9 (which also multiplies the wearer's Lift value by 9), a Manoeuvre value of -1 to REFlexes & DEXterity, a MOVEment bonus of +4, a Jumping range of 100m, a Rank-6 ECCM suite, a bonus of +1 to PREsence, Life Support, and a +2 Perception HUD. The weight of a First Generation Hardsuit is 74+2D6 kilograms.
4-5: Second Generation Hardsuit (55 OP)
Second Generation Hardsuits have 60 SDP, a STRength value of 10 (which also multiplies the wearer's Lift value by 10), a Manoeuvre value of ±0 to REFlexes & DEXterity, a MOVEment bonus of +4, a Jumping range of 150m, a Rank-7 ECCM suite, a bonus of +2 to PREsence, Life Support, and a +2 Perception HUD. The weight of a Second Generation Hardsuit is 64+2D6 kilograms.
6: Third Generation Hardsuit (66 OP)
Third Generation Hardsuits have 60 SDP, a STRength value of 10 (which also multiplies the wearer's Lift value by 10), a Manoeuvre value of +1 to REFlexes & DEXterity, a MOVEment bonus of +5, a Jumping range of 200m, a Rank-8 ECCM suite, a bonus of +3 to PREsence, Life Support, and a +2 Perception HUD. The weight of a Second Generation Hardsuit is 57+1D10 kilograms.

In case you want to modify individual aspects of your Hardsuit, the cost for each component is listed below:
Structure: Structure costs 1 OP per 5 points of Hardsuit SDP.

Strength: Strength costs 1 OP per point of Hardsuit STR. The Lifting multiple is equal to the Hardsuit's STR.

Manoeuvrability: A penalty of -2 to Ref & Dex reduces cost by 4 OP; a penalty of -1 to Ref & Dex reduces the cost by 2 OP; no modifier to Ref & Dex (±0) has no cost; a modifier ±0 to Dex & +1 Ref costs 1 OP; A bonus of +1 to Ref & Dex costs 2 OP.

Design & Style: Design & Style costs 1 OP for each +1 bonus to the wearer's PRE (maximum +3).

Running: Running costs 1 OP per +1 bonus to the wearer's Move.

Jumping: Jumping costs 1 OP per 10m of jumping distance.
  Life Support: Full sealing versus Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical agents costs 3 OP.

Electronics: The standard Hardsuit electronic systems (targetting and lowlight vision with 1km range, radio with 10km range, and HUD instrumentation granting a +2 Perception skill bonus) costs 5 OP.

ECCM: Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures cost 3 OP for Rank-6, 4 OP for Rank-7, or 5 OP for Rank-8.

Weight: When you're building a Hardsuit with no particular Generation in mind, roll 3D10+56 to determine the suit's weight in kilograms (if you like, you can add another two D10's to get an additional decimal value).

STEP 2: Armour

Next, cover your Hardsuit with whatever armour seems appropriate. The SDP of a Hardsuit depends upon its Generation, but Armour protection varies from suit to suit. First Generation Hardsuits have a maximum KD rating of 50, Second Generation Hardsuits have a maximum KD rating of 60, and Third Generation Hardsuits have a maximum KD rating of 70. In any event, should the suit's armour be penetrated, any remaining damage is divided equally between the suit's SDP and the wearer's Hits. To determine your Hardsuit's Armour Protection, refer to the table below:

Armour costs 1 OP per 2 KD (round up):
For First Generation Hardsuits, roll 1D6:
(1) = 35 KD, (2-3) = 40 KD, (4-5) = 45 KD, (6) = 50 KD.
For Second Generation Hardsuits, roll 1D6:
(1) = 45 KD, (2-3) = 50 KD, (4-5) = 55 KD, (6) = 60 KD.
For Third Generation Hardsuits, roll 1D6:
(1) = 55 KD, (2-3) = 60 KD, (4-5) = 65 KD, (6) = 70 KD.

STEP 2: Features

Now comes the fun part! Determine what special features your Hardsuit possesses, and don't forget to note down where each is located; that part of the Hardsuit could be damaged during combat, in which case you could lose those features too! Add their costs to those of the Frame and Armour, then move on.

To randomly determine the number of Features your Hardsuit has, roll 1D6+1. For each Feature, roll 2D10 to determine what feature you get (note that if you get the asme feature more than once, you have more than one of the same feature, like Sylia's three pairs of weapons). The Features list can be found below.

Roll 1D6+1 to determine the number of Features; for each Feature, roll 1D20 to determine which feature it is (or roll 2D10, start the list at 2, and combine Leg Bombers and Rocket Kicks into one section [e.g. "Laser Sword" would be (5), and "Leg Bombers or Rocket Kicks" would be (14)]):
(1) - Ribbon Cutters (17 OP): A pair of Ribbon Cutters costs 17 OP. They are limited to Melee range and their WA is -2, but a successful hit does 7D6×3 Armour-Piercing damage. This damage is applied twice (to represent the fact that there are two ribbons), and they are Quick, allowing two attacks in one Action.

(2) - Wrist Rapier (9 OP): A single Wrist Rapier costs 9 OP. It is limited to Melee range, has a WA of +1, and it does 7D6×3 damage.

(3) - Flight Wings (1 OP per 1 Move): A pair of wings which grant flight cost 1 OP for every 1 Move of Flight (a Flying Move of 60 would cost 60 OP, for example). The maximum flying Move that can be bought depend